The handbook on “Arthropod Pests and Diseases of Cassava in the Philippines: An Illustrated Handbook for Identification and Management Guide” by Dr. Erlinda A. Vasquez is now ready for release.
According to Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin, VSU President, the handbook is a useful reference material for researchers, extension workers, plantation operators and other stakeholders who are involved in cassava production. This information material can also be used by students and agriculture professionals.
The author who is also the PhilRootcrops Director said that there is really a need to manage the arthropod pests and diseases effectively, and correct identification is needed as basis in the development of appropriate control strategies.
Dr. Vasquez further said that the handbook also provides information available not only for major but also for minor cassava arthropod pests and diseases ubiquitously present in the country as well as their management. This will be a useful tool in decision-making for strict quarantine implementation. JFMBaldos (