Cultural Management


Cassava is one of the important rootcrops in the Philippines because of its many uses. Aside from being used as food, cassava is used in the manufacture of industrial products like chips, flour, starch glucose and ethanol.It is also used in the production of animal feeds. Cassava can be processed into different food products with higher economic and nutritive value.

The demand for cassava in processed food and big industrial firms has been increased in recent decades. However, this demand is not fully met due to the recurrent problem of low cassava yield production.


Sweetpotato is one of the important food sources in the Philippines. It is also used in the manufacture of industrial products like flour and starch and in the commercial production of animal feeds. Moreover, sweetpotato can be processed into different food products with higher economic and nutritive value than fresh roots.

 Because of its many food and industrial uses, the demand for sweetpotato has significantly increased. This demand, however, has not been met due to the recurrent problem of low farm productivity.


Gabi or taro is one of the most important rootcrops in the Philippines. However, this crop is commonly planted in locations that are not really suitable for its production. Gabi has the ability to grow in marginal areas but its production could be many times more if the crop is planted and cultivated in suitable locations with the right soil and amount of water.

Apart from these, good growth and yield of gabi could be expected if the crop is given appropriate cultural management practices.


Ubi, an ancient food crop in the Philippines, is still one of the important cultivated root/tuber crops in the country. It is usually grown in small patches of land most of which are located in Central Visayas. The ubi tuber, which is often priced high because it is very expensive to produce apart from being perennially in short supply, is used mainly in the preparation of a variety of sweet food delicacies, although it is also occasionally used as ingredient in some vegetable preparations. For this reason, many consider ubi a luxury food item and that growing the crop in a commercial scale may have good prospects.

By planting in a suitable land and using improved cultural practices, one may spend a total of roughly P450,000 a hectare (as of 2018)and obtain an average tuberyield of 20 metric tons per hectare. With a minimum price of P 45.00 per kilo of tubers and excluding some marketing costs, this yield may give a profit of about P 400,000.00 per hectare. Selecting the right variety to plant and identifying and meeting the requirements of the prospective buyers are very important considerations in realizing this profit.

Ubi tubers may be utilized fresh or converted first into semi-processed forms for storage. Powdered or mashed/pureed ubi tubers and be kept for a long time under proper storage conditions and can help stabilize the supply and price of ubi, a seasonal crop.

This recommended cultural management practices used to increase the yield of root crops. Information included here are results of researches conducted by PhilRootcrops. It can be used by farmers, technicians and other users to increase the root crop production in the country. Go to CMP brochures>>>

About PhilRootcrops

The Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center (PhilRootcrops) is a government research, development and training institution for root and tuber crops: cassava, sweetpotato, taro, yam, yambean, arrowroot and other rootcrops.
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Vision, Mission & Goal

Creating wealth, enhancing health, improving lives through roots and tubers
To provide the national leadership in formulating and implementing strategic root crop research and development programs that can reduce poverty and food insecurity
To generate and promote root crop innovations and information that can improve the lives of stakeholders along the root crop value chain.

Contact Information

PhilRootcrops, VSU,Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines 6521-A
Telephone / Fax No.: +63 (053)563-7229 Trunkline: +63 (053) 565 0600 local 1063
Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
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