Training Programs

PhilRootcrops offers the following Trainings. For reservations, Please contact the Director.


Brief Description


Reg. Fee (PhP)*

Cassava Production

Cassava Production Technology - (Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis)

2 days


Sweetpotato Production

Sweetpotato Production Technology - (Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis)

2 days


Gabi Production

Gabi Production Technology - (Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis)

2 days


Ubi Production

Ubi Production Technology - (Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis)

2 days


Cassava and Sweetpotato Production

Cassava and Sweetpotato Production Technology - (Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis)

4 days


Rootcrop-Based Feed Formulation and Feedmill Operation and Management

A Utilization of Cassava for Animal Feeds - (Lecture/Discussion on the importance of cassava as feed and the results of studies using cassava as animal feed)

4 days


Cassava Production, Processing and Utilization

Cassava Production, Processing and Utilization Technology (Production - Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis; Processing - Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products, packaging and marketing of fried, dehydrated, fruit-like, sugar-preserved, fermented and bakery products from cassava.)

4 days


Sweetpotato Production, Processing and Utilization

Sweetpotato Production, Processing and Utilization Technology (Production - Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis; Processing - Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products, packaging and marketing of fried, dehydrated, fruit-like, sugar-preserved, fermented and bakery products from different sweetpotato varieties.)

4 days


Ubi, Taro and Other Minor Rootcrops Production, processing and Utilization

Ubi, Taro and other Minor Rootcrops Production, Processing and Utilization Technology (Production - Lecture on site selection, land preparation, variety selection, preparation of planting materials, planting, weeding, fertilizer application, and cost and return analysis; Processing - Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products and packaging and marketing.

4 days


Cassava and Sweetpotato Production, Processing and utilization 5 days 7,500.00/participant

Rootcrop-based Soy Sauce Production


5 days


Techniques in the Fabrication of Rootcrop Chipping Machine


5 days


Farm Tractor Operation and Management


4 days


Rootcrop Tissue Culture


5 days


Soil and Plant Tissue Analyses 5 days 7,500.00/participant

Sweetpotato Processing

Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products, packaging and marketing of fried, dehydrated, fruit-like, sugar-preserved, fermented and bakery products from different sweetpotato varieties.

5 days


Cassava Processing

Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products, packaging and marketing of fried, dehydrated, fruit-like, sugar-preserved, fermented and bakery products from cassava.

5 days


Ubi Processing

Quality evaluation of raw materials, processing techniques, equipment design and selection, plant lay-outing, evaluation of finished products, packaging and marketing of fried chips/strips, dehydrated powder, confectioneries, spreads, steamed and bakery products from different ubi varieties.

5 days


Enterprise Development

Concepts, Importance, Role and Components of EDT; Rural-based Enterprise Development (RED)

4 days


*Subject to change without prior notice
- (minimum of 15 participants) inclusive of board and lodging


Application or Reservation should be made at least two (2) months before the scheduled training dates. Interested agencies may write or call the:

The Director
PhilRootcrops, Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines 6521-A
Tel. No. (053) 563-7229 / +63 (053) 565 0600 local 1063
Telefax No. (053) 563-7229

About PhilRootcrops

The Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center (PhilRootcrops) is a government research, development and training institution for root and tuber crops: cassava, sweetpotato, taro, yam, yambean, arrowroot and other rootcrops.
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Vision, Mission & Goal

Creating wealth, enhancing health, improving lives through roots and tubers
To provide the national leadership in formulating and implementing strategic root crop research and development programs that can reduce poverty and food insecurity
To generate and promote root crop innovations and information that can improve the lives of stakeholders along the root crop value chain.

Contact Information

PhilRootcrops, VSU,Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines 6521-A
Telephone / Fax No.: +63 (053)563-7229 Trunkline: +63 (053) 565 0600 local 1063
Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
For queries, comments, and suggestions, kindly email us.
© PhilRootcrops - Visayas State University. All Rights Reserved